my name is
Fredrik Hertzman
Founder of A NEW GAME

i am not very practical for being practical, lazy, passionate, brave & stupid, abstract, precise, lust-driven, happy, simple, difficult, adhd, rebellious, immature, sincere, rugged, social, poetic, alive, humorous, not normal, curious — or was it the other way around?

cert. mental coach | LLM | finance | management

You want to become more competitive, or you want to play a new game where there is no need to be?

If you'd like to discuss working together, or talk about something else — don't hesitate to contact us.

Certified gameRS

Hertzman & Co represent a school of thought, an idea and an attitude that dedicate itself to human potential and to making awesome and sustainable results. & Co is continually growing, not only including new research and ideas and supporting partners and advisors, but more so, our magnificent clients and alumni's. The together part "&" is what makes the difference.

Advisory board

Emma Rikewall Agent & Management

The womanager for any inquiries or business matters

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Malin Kullberg
Communication & Brand Strategy

The wizard of making brands coming to life

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Christian di Schiena Advisor

The ICE MAN of organization, business and risk management

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